Open Lecture: Thamesmead Development Project

Dr Phil Askew is explaining the project at the WUC design studio.
Dr Phil Askew gave an inspirational talk about the Thamesmead Development Project, London to our undergraduate and postgraduate landscape architecture and garden design students at the WUC design studio. As the director of Landscape & Placemaking at Peabody, Phil is leading the landscape design and management for Thamesmead, London's New Town. In his talk Phil talked through the development history of the Thamesmead and its current situation, challenges and issues. 150 Ha in size, this project is one of the biggest landscape masterplanning projects in the UK and will transfer the landscape into a multi-functional living landscape which is ecologically and socio-economically sustainable new town.

Phil talked about the importance of Natural Capital in his presentation.

Students had the chance to see how green infrastructure development, natural capital assessment and project management concepts were applied into a large masterplanning project. As it is a new project, we all look forward to hearing the next stages of this very important landscape project for the region.

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