Landscape Institute Conference: Landscape as Infrastructure

Landscape as Infrastructure

Landscape Institute Conference, 22-23 June 2017 :


Images: Ilbin YOON, MA Landscape Architecture student at WUC. Urban Territory Studio Project

“Landscape is a regulator of endless processes, producer and consumer of raw materials, highly multifunctional and synergistic.”

Pollalis, S. N., 2016. Planning Sustainable Cities: An infrastructure-based approach. London: Routledge.

“Landscape is the primary infrastructure.”

Landscape practitioners are significantly involved in major infrastructure projects, increasingly playing a leading role. The way in which landscape works as an infrastructure in its own right, as well as the need to rethink conventional infrastructures as landscapes will be at the heart of the LI’s annual conference, due to take place on 22 and 23 June 2017 in Manchester in partnership with the LI North West Branch, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Manchester.

Day one of the conference will include plenary sessions of around 20-40 minutes each. On the second day we will explore a number of CPD-approved seminars and discussions under the banner of the conference. Day two will also include guided site visits in and around the city centres of Manchester and Salford.

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